Thursday, April 13, 2023

Paul Merrill Tweeted: Attn: @kim_steiner it's so hot in all the stor...

Paul Merrill's avatar
Paul Merrill
Attn: @kim_steiner it's so hot in all the stores right now lol
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Tim's avatar
Update: I am feeling much better today and I was able to usher in flip-flop season today.…
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Tony Webster's avatar
Tony Webster
this new twitter interface is great
Tony Webster's Photo
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Wedge LIVE!™'s avatar
Wedge LIVE!™
The truth is out there. Do your own research. Wake up, sheeple.…
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Jason DeRusha's avatar
Marney Gellner's avatar
Marney Gellner
Sometimes even the best plans need a detour 🚧
Pathology revealed more calcifications than expected & they need to go back in to get wider margins. So, second surgery today.
Just a bump in the road/blip on the screen/kick to the nuts. Still so grateful! ❤️
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Old Lang Sign's avatar
Old Lang Sign
Shite photo but the best view of Minneapolis hands down.
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