Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Greatest Lake of All-Time Tweeted: RT @RealGLOS: Some big winds over...

Greatest Lake of All-Time's avatar
Greatest Lake of All-Time
RT @RealGLOS: Some big winds over the lakes.…
Greatest Lake of All-Time's Video
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John Reinan's avatar
John Reinan
The Guthrie Theatre has tracked me down.
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Cathy Wurzer's avatar
Cathy Wurzer
47 mph wind gusts at MSP with a 14 degree windchill. #springinminnesota
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Tim's avatar
Farewell and good night Lisbon. You captured my imagination over the past week.
Tim's Photo
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opinions by stew's avatar
Harry Sisson's avatar
Harry Sisson
A Newsmax reporter tried to interview me. I don't think I'll be invited back…
Harry Sisson's Video
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comotrekker's avatar
RT @PhilmerPhiI: If we're OK with just switching up the Bryant design at the last minute, I have some ideas...
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