Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Keith Harris Tweeted: hot stuff

Keith Harris's avatar
Keith Harris
hot stuff…
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William Lindeke's avatar
William Lindeke
If you're wondering what's going on with Summit Avenue, sometimes pictures speak louder than words.…
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Jason DeRusha's avatar
Blois Olson's avatar
Blois Olson
Soaking up patio coffee day 2

Blois Olson's Photo
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David H. Montgomery's avatar
David H. Montgomery
A little frustrating to see the new cutting-edge development in baserunning technique has its roots in last decade's Cubs, but all the key figures involved are EX-Cubs and the team never fully embraced the new development:…
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Greatest Lake of All-Time's avatar
Greatest Lake of All-Time
RT @akpix: Three ships from a giant lumber company's fleet foundered in a Lake Superior storm in 1914, with the loss of all 28 crew members…
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Tim's avatar
RT @StreetsMN: The City of Minneapolis is at odds with the East Phillips neighborhood over plans for the Roof Depot site, where community-l…
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