Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Rowan Tweeted: Just posted a photo @ Downtown East, Minneapolis

Your Highlights
Just posted a photo @ Downtown East, Minneapolis instagram.com/p/BVh5ulgA_9l/
Dr John Murray
If you haven't visited the Murray Orthodontics website in awhile, now's the time. We completely revamped the site... fb.me/1tx0x1fJR
Friends of the BWCAW
How do you think the Quetico Provincial Park should be managed over the next 20 years? Submit your comment by 7/4. twitter.com/VoyageursNPA/s…
Phil Mackey
Good luck landing Butler without giving up Wiggins. That's the conundrum. twitter.com/astauty/status…
365 Twin Cities MN
Happy Movie Monday Twin Cities! Go to our sister page at Twin Cities Moviegoers to see an advanced screening of... fb.me/DYQR2MAR
John Macy
A properly staged home will sell faster.
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