Monday, October 3, 2022

Keith Harris Tweeted: wow rip to a legend

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Keith Harris's avatar
Keith Harris
wow rip to a legend
Keith Harris's Photo
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Aaron Rupar's avatar
Aaron Rupar
No words @petshopboys
Aaron Rupar's Video
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Buffalo Bills's avatar
Buffalo Bills
PSA: This is how to safely go under a rope at a sporting event.
Buffalo Bills's Video
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Katie 👸🏼🗡✨She/Her's avatar
Katie 👸🏼🗡✨She/Her
I made lasagna for my dinners this week & started with a corner tonight.
Now I'm eyeing the other corner & just trying to decide if my stomach has enough space for me to eat it and not feel incredibly uncomfortable the rest of the night.
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David H. Montgomery's avatar
David H. Montgomery
'Just 64 percent of those who maintained they were "definitely" going to vote did so. Only 68 percent of those who claimed they had *already voted* actually cast a ballot at any point.'…
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Minnesota Vikings's avatar
Minnesota Vikings
Hit that Griddy, @KirkCousins8!
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