Tuesday, October 9, 2018

David Brauer Tweeted: The 19th Century ended.

Your Highlights
David Brauer
The 19th Century ended. twitter.com/BeardedGenius/…
Minnesota Gophers
Did your Gophers' Homecoming smile make it in this week's GameDay Remix presented by @TCFBank?
Blois Olson
What would Justice Potter Stewart think?
Dan Barreiro
No wonder. Such a fascinating, promising team. Again. twitter.com/profootballtal…
Minneapolis Public Schools
Indigenous Peoples' Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October. This date, formerly known as "Columbus Day," was officially changed by resolution of Minneapolis's mayor and city council on April 25, 2014.
Minnesota Football
A look at Homecoming 2018 at TCF Bank Stadium, brought to you by @TCFBank.
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