Wednesday, August 19, 2015

@LCD_vs_LED, find your next fans

Find your next customers
Let's go!
Hi @LCD_vs_LED
Followers matter — they share your content, make purchases and take other actions that help your business. Here are some tips to attract new followers and engage your existing community.
Add a "Follow" button to your website.
This makes it easy for customers to stay in touch with you, your products and any updates you want them to see.
Put your @username anywhere that includes contact information (such as business cards or store signage). This gives people who are already interested in your business an avenue to stay in touch.
A picture is worth a thousand characters. Photos on Twitter can receive more than twice the engagement,* so use them whenever appropriate to show followers what your business is up to.
Start conversations by asking open-ended questions
For example, ask which products or services your followers want to see more of, or simply wonder what they're doing for the weekend. Make sure to reply positively to relevant responses.
Tap into moments that matter
Include holidays, trade shows, conferences and relevant cultural events in your content calendar. Talking about these shared experiences can create opportunities to interact with your followers.
Try our tips

*Twitter internal

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